The Project List displays all available projects for printing badges. Click on a project to open the Records List section, where you can view, add, edit, clone, or manage records before printing badges.
Users with the Administrator role can access all active projects, while other users will only see projects if they have the appropriate privilege enabled in the User Manager / Edit User section. Inactive and trashed projects will not appear in this list.
By configuring roles and privileges, you can keep a project active yet restricted to specific users, allowing you to test it in Producer without making it visible to others.
- Project List – Manage all the projects in the organization.
- Reset Filters – Reset the filters to default value.
- Help Center – This help page.
Search & Filtering Options
The toolbar offers powerful tools to quickly find and manage items. On the left, enter keywords in the search box and click the Search Icon to display matching results. On the right, use the dropdown menu to filter items by status: All, Active, Inactive, or Trash. This makes it easy to focus on specific groups.
Sortable Columns
Click on column headers to sort data in ascending or descending order. The and
icons indicate the current sort direction.
Page Navigation
The pagination controls allow you to navigate through large datasets efficiently. You can set the number of items per page using the Items per page dropdown (12 to 96) and view the current range of displayed items and total records (e.g., 1-12 of 57 items). You can also see the current page number and total pages (e.g., 1 of 5 pages), jump to a specific page using the Pages dropdown, and use the navigation arrows to move between pages one at a time.
The projects are sorted by project name. Each row of the table represents a project in IDC. Click anywhere in the row to select a project to manage it’s records and print badges.
Projects marked with appear under Favorite Projects on the Dashboard for quick access.
The table of Project List contains the following columns:
– Indicates the project status is Active.
– Preview of the project badge design
- Project Name – This is the project’s name.
- Author – Name of the author of the project.
- Records / Photos – This show how many records and photos have been created in this project.
- Last Updated – This show the date ‘Inserted’ or ‘Last Modified’ depending if it has been modified or not.