The Color Code feature in IDpack Cloud allows you to categorize cardholders in Producer by assigning colors and descriptions to different groups. This feature is especially useful for managing access levels or identifying roles within an organization, event, or facility.
To set up a color code, click on the color box to open the Color Picker, where you can choose a color or enter a Hex Color Code manually (e.g., FF8000 for orange). Leave the description field empty to exclude that color from the pull-down menu in Producer.
The Color Code can be used to represent categories in multiple ways:
- Background images based on the selected Color Code. This can be configured in the Front/Back Design tab.
- Rectangular shapes filled with the background color of the Color Code.
- Descriptions of the Color Code, such as Manager or Volunteer.
Customizing Color Codes
You can define up to 15 color codes, each with an associated description. These codes can be used to indicate security levels, access zones, or other types of classifications required for your project. For example:
- Manager – Assigned the color navy blue.
- Volunteer – Assigned the color green.
- Visitor – Assigned the color orange.
This setup can be particularly useful in environments with multiple zones, roles, or clearance levels, such as events, corporate offices, or large facilities.
Example Use Case
You can simplify your project by using only a few color codes, such as VALID and EXPIRED, while leaving the remaining color codes empty. Assign green to VALID and red to EXPIRED. In Producer, when a cardholder’s access needs to be revoked, you can select EXPIRED and save the record. The next time the card is scanned, the status will appear as “EXPIRED” in red.