Template Editor - QR Code toolTemplate Editor – QR Code tool

The QR Code tool allows you to add a QR code to your template in various formats, including
Custom URL, IDpack Checkpoint, Linked Field, Wi-Fi QR Code, or vCard.
This feature provides flexibility in encoding different types of data for quick access via mobile scanning.


The Position properties define the placement and dimensions of an element within the template.
Adjusting these values allows you to precisely control where an element appears and how much space it occupies.

  • Left (X) – Specifies the horizontal position of the element, measured from the left edge of the template.
  • Top (Y) – Specifies the vertical position of the element, measured from the top edge of the template.
  • Width – Defines the width of the element, determining how much horizontal space it takes up.
  • Height – Defines the height of the element, determining how much vertical space it occupies.

By adjusting these properties, you can ensure elements are properly aligned and scaled within your design.


  • Visible

    Determines whether the QR code is displayed in the badge preview and print output. If unchecked, the QR code remains in the Template but will not be printed.

  • QR Code Type

    Select the type of QR code to generate. The configuration is made in the Project Manager section. Each type serves a different purpose:

    • Custom URL

      Encodes any URL into the QR code. Supports dynamic data with a Linked Field to create personalized links.


      The [linked_field] shortcode will be replaced with the selected database field in QR Code Field (e.g., ID #).

    • IDpack Checkpoint App

      Creates QR codes compatible with the IDpack Checkpoint app, used for real-time card validation and access control.

      The IDpack Checkpoint app scans QR codes to validate cardholder information in real time, providing a secure way to verify card status, check-in attendees, and display relevant details.

      Available Display Options – These can be enabled or disabled in the Project Manager:

      • Show Record Status – Shows whether the card is valid, revoked, or expired.
      • Show Photo ID – Shows the cardholder’s photo ID for visual verification.
      • Show Color Code – Displays the assigned color code for quick role identification.
      • Check-in System – Enables the check-in/check-out feature – Login Required (Automatically Activated).

      Show Badge Issuer Info – Enable or disable specific project and organization details:

      • Project Title – Displays the project title associated with the badge.
      • Organization Name – Shows the name of the issuing organization.
      • Organization Contact Phone – Displays the organization’s contact phone number.
      • Organization Location – Shows the address of the issuing organization.

      Fields to Show – Allows enabling or disabling specific fields based on the Fields Definition.

    • Linked Field

      Allows you to encode a specific field from your database directly into the QR Code. This is useful for ID numbers, URLs, employee codes, or access credentials.

      In the Fields Definition, you can add the URL field, enabling each record to have a unique URL. For example, a real estate agent could have a personal URL, while an organization might use a corporate URL or a shortened link. Once you select this field as the Linked Field, the generated QR Code will automatically point to the corresponding URL for each record.

    • Wi-Fi QR Code

      Encodes Wi-Fi network details, allowing users to connect by scanning the QR code. Ideal for hotels, restaurants, and Airbnb hosts.

      Use the Wi-Fi QR Code Card Template #122714 for optimized printing.

    • vCard QR Code

      Encodes contact details in vCard format for quick scanning and saving to a smartphone.

      FN;CHARSET=UTF-8:Steve Smith
      ADR;TYPE=work:;;5555 Pacific Hill Ave;Los Angeles;CA;90001;United States
      EMAIL:[email protected]
      TITLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:Chief Executive Officer
      ORG;CHARSET=UTF-8:ACME Example Inc.
      PRODID;CHARSET=UTF-8:IDpack Cloud
  • QR Code Field

    Specifies the field encoded in the QR code for the Custom URL or Linked Field type.

  • Content (Text and Shortcode)

    Defines the data encoded in the QR code. Accepts plain text or shortcodes for dynamic content.

  • Opacity

    Adjusts the object’s opacity: None, 25%, 50%, 75%, or 90%.

  • Horizontal Align

    Controls the QR code’s horizontal alignment: Left, Center, or Right.

  • Vertical Align

    Controls the QR code’s vertical alignment: Top, Middle, or Bottom.

  • Color

    Defines the QR code’s primary color. Use the color picker or enter a hex code.

  • Padding

    Specifies the space between the QR code and its bounding box to maintain proper spacing.

  • Fill Color

    Defines the QR code’s background color for better contrast and readability.