The Line Tool allows you to add straight lines in any direction to your template. You can customize its thickness, color, and opacity to match your design requirements. Lines can be positioned precisely using starting and ending points, making them useful for separating sections or creating structured layouts.
The Position properties define the placement of the line within the template. Adjusting these values allows you to precisely control where the line starts and ends.
- First point (X) – Specifies the first point (X) position of the element, measured from the left edge of the template.
- First point (Y) – Specifies the first point (Y) position of the element, measured from the top edge of the template.
- Second point (X) – Specifies the second point (X) position of the element, measured from the left edge of the template.
- Second point (Y) – Specifies the second point (Y) position of the element, measured from the top edge of the template.
By adjusting these properties, you can ensure lines are properly placed and aligned within your design.
Determines whether the line is displayed in the badge preview and print output. If unchecked, the line remains in the Template but will not be printed.
You can adjust the object’s opacity to one of the following levels: None, 25%, 50%, 75%, or 90%, allowing for semi-transparency effects.
Specifies the color of the line. You can select a color using the color picker or enter a hex code.
Defines the thickness of the line. The minimum value is 0.25 mm.