Template Designer - Project ListTemplate Designer – Project List

The Project List section displays all projects from Project Manager that use the selected template. From this list, you can select one or more projects to update with the latest version of the template. Simply check the desired projects and click Update Project to apply the updates.


  • New Project – Create a new project using this template.

Search & Filtering Options

The toolbar offers powerful tools to quickly find and manage items. On the left, enter keywords in the search box and click the Search Icon to display matching results. On the right, use the dropdown menu to filter items by status: All, Active, Inactive, or Trash. This makes it easy to focus on specific groups.

Sortable Columns

Click on column headers to sort data in ascending or descending order. The and icons indicate the current sort direction.

The pagination controls allow you to navigate through large datasets efficiently. You can set the number of items per page using the Items per page dropdown (12 to 96) and view the current range of displayed items and total records (e.g., 1-12 of 57 items). You can also see the current page number and total pages (e.g., 1 of 5 pages), jump to a specific page using the Pages dropdown, and use the navigation arrows to move between pages one at a time.


The table lists all projects using the selected template. Each row represents a project, and clicking on a row allows you to view or edit the project. The table includes the following columns:

  • Status: Displays the project’s status—Trash (brown), Inactive (red), or Active (green).
  • – Select multiple projects to perform bulk updates.
  • – Preview the current template design associated with the project.
  • Project Name – The name of the project using the template.
  • Layout – Indicates whether the project is for a Front or Back layout.
  • Template Version – Displays the current version of the template.
  • Project Version – Displays the version of the template currently used in the project
  • Author – The user who created or last updated the project.
  • Records / Photos – Displays the total number of records and associated photos in the project.
  • Last Updated – Shows the date and time the project was last updated.