Template Designer - Producer SetupTemplate Designer – Producer Setup

The Producer Setup page enables you to customize the columns displayed in the Records List within the Producer section. You can select up to 8 columns to suit the unique requirements of your project, with the option to leave columns empty if not needed. This flexibility is crucial since every project serves different purposes and varies significantly based on the customer’s specific needs.

If you see the message No field(s) is selected in “Project Manager \ Producer Setup” to preview. in Producer, it means no columns have been selected in the Template Designer or Project Manager. Ensure columns are configured to enable proper display in the Records List.

By centralizing the Producer Setup in the Template Designer, all stations on the network are configured consistently, ensuring that badge layouts and column configurations cannot be altered independently by individual users. This approach ensures uniformity and simplifies management across your organization.

Producer Configuration

  • Producer Preview – Records List – View a real-time preview of how the Records List will appear in the Producer section. This ensures your configuration aligns with your project requirements.
  • Producer \ Records List \ Columns – Select up to 8 columns to display in the Records List. Use the “Empty” option to hide unused columns.
  • Producer \ Records List \ Sort – Define a primary and secondary sort order for the Records List. Fields can be sorted alphabetically (A–Z or Z–A) or by dates. Use the Descending checkbox to reverse the order as needed.

The Producer Setup is a vital tool for customizing the Producer experience, ensuring it meets the specific demands of your projects while maintaining consistency and control across your organization.