The Add \ Edit Template tab allows you to set up and customize key details for your badge template. Whether you’re creating a new template or updating an existing one, these settings ensure your template meets the specific needs of your project.
- Template List – Manage all the templates in the organization.
- Add / Edit Template – Set up or edit templates. The tab displays the Template Name you are working on.
- Producer Setup – Configure the producer settings for your template.
- Fields Definition – Define and manage the fields used in your template.
- Color Code – Categorize cardholders with colors and descriptions in the Producer.
- Project List – View and manage projects associated with your templates.
- Template Editor – Edit and customize your template design, including text, images, barcodes, and dynamic fields.
- New Template – Create a new template.
- Import Template – Import designs from EPI Suite® or CardStudio® 2.0 into IDpack Cloud.
- Clone Template – Make a copy of your template to create a new version or to test something.
- New Project – Create a new project (from Project List) in Project Manager using this template.
- Move to Active – Activate the template for use in Project Manager.
- Move to Trash – Remove the template while keeping it accessible for administrators.
- Print Preview – Print your template to see the result before going to production.
- Save Template – Save the template to the cloud.
- Help Center – Open this help page.
By default, new templates are Active, meaning they are available in Producer Manager right away. Below are the available statuses:
New | Active | Inactive | Trash |
New templates must be saved before appearing in Project Manager or Template Designer. | Active templates are accessible in Project Manager for Administrators or users with Designer privileges. | Inactive templates are hidden in Project Manager but accessible in Template Designer for Designers. | Trash templates are hidden but visible to Administrators in Template Designer for possible recovery. |
Template Configuration
- Short Name – Enter a short name for the template.
- Description – Provide a description for the template.
- Badge Format – Select the format of the badge, such as CR80, 4×6, wristbands, or other supported sizes.
- Badge Orientation – Choose between Portrait or Landscape orientation for your badge.
- Badge Layout – Define the layout type for the badge, such as front or back.
- Photo ID Format – Specify the format for Photo IDs, such as Rectangle (4:5), Square (1:1), Round (1:1), or none.
- Color Coding – Enable or disable color coding for the template. Color coding can be used in various ways for identification or categorization.
- Capture Electronic Signature – Allow the capture of electronic signatures using a supported Scriptel signature pad.
- Private Note – Enter notes about this template for your reference only. These notes are not displayed elsewhere.
Badge Preview
A preview of your badge is displayed, showing how it will look when printed. Dynamic fields are updated with generic data for display purposes, and the Photo ID will change for each badge.
Delete Template
Only users with Administrator roles can permanently delete a template. Navigate to the template’s row in the Template List and go to the Add \ Edit Template. If the template is not yet in the trash, click Move to Trash. Once in the trash, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Delete. Deleting a template is irreversible and will permanently remove all related data.
WARNING: Once a template is deleted, it cannot be restored. We recommend leaving unused templates in the trash instead of deleting them permanently. Please note that deleted templates cannot be recovered by our support team.