Project Manager - Import Photos (.zip)Project Manager – Import Photos (.zip)

The Import Photos tool allows you to upload Photo IDs into IDpack Cloud using a ZIP file. Photos are matched to records based on their ID numbers (e.g., 100580.jpg). This feature is available upon request and at our discretion. Please contact us for activation.


Ensure the following criteria are met before importing photos:

  • All photos must be contained in a single ZIP file.
  • Photos must be placed in the root directory of the ZIP file (not inside folders).
  • The ZIP file must not exceed 50 MB in size.
  • Supported image formats: JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PNG, and WebP.
  • Photos will be resized to 864x1080 pixels for consistency.
  • Each photo should ideally not exceed 100 KB to ensure optimal performance.
  • Existing photos with the same ID number will be overwritten without confirmation.
  • Do not close the browser tab while the import process is running.

Best Practices

  • Backup Existing Photos: Export and save current photos to avoid accidental overwrites.
  • Optimize Images: Compress photos to reduce file size while maintaining quality. This ensures faster processing and better performance.
  • Verify File Names: Ensure all photo file names match the corresponding ID numbers in your records (e.g., 123456.jpg for a record with ID 123456).
  • Test with a Small Batch: Start with a smaller test ZIP file to confirm the import process works as expected.

The Import Photos tool simplifies the process of uploading Photo IDs for large datasets, ensuring efficient and accurate data management. If you require assistance or need this feature enabled, please contact our support team.